PhD research fellowship in theranostics and bioimaging

Job Offers
2017-04-05 09:00 - 2017-05-01 00:00
Unité de Technologies Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé, 11, rue P et M Curie, 75005 PARIS, FRANCE

Laboratory :
Supervisor of the thesis : Bich-Thuy DOAN
Telephone number: 01 44 27 67 48 E-mail:
Laboratory: Unité de Technologies Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé, UTCBS, ENSCP Chimie-Paristech PSL Research University, CNRS UMR8258, Inserm U1022, SEISAD, Equipe Synthèse Electrochimie, Imagerie et système analytiques pour le Diagnostic, 11, rue P et M Curie, 75005 PARIS, FRANCE
Director of the research Unit UTCBS : Daniel SCHERMAN
Director of the researche team : Féthi BEDIOUI

Context :
Personalized medicine stimulates research in the investigation of innovative therapeutic strategies involving disciplines in medicine, biology, chemistry and biophysics. The theranostic approach aims at optimizing and guiding the treatment. It consists in developing molecular or nanometric buildings combining drugs and imaging probes, which allows to monitor the therapy from in vitro to in vivo. The combination of MRI imaging and the initiation of in situ therapy such as Dynamic Phototherapy or hyperthermia is an alternative to current cancer treatments that will allow for the development of more targeted and less harmful personalized treatments. In vivo imaging and its quantitative methods make it possible to better manage the vectorization and the therapeutic effect, for the development of the strategy of nanomedicine.

Objective :
The general objective aims at image, treat and follow treatment efficacy against tumor thanks to innovative theranostic molecules designed for Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI associated with dynamic phototherapy (PDT).
The project deals with the development of molecular bioimaging methods associated with the use of theranostic imaging probes dedicated to the diagnosis and therapy against cancer. A multimodal multiparametric imaging strategy (T1, Perfusion and molecular dynamic MRI) and multiscale imaging with optics become pertinent for research, and biomedical applications. This engineering will be applied to develop and assess new therapeutical theranostic strategies with the active triggering of localised and targeted therapy.
More precisely, imaging probes will be designed, synthetized by collaborators with expertise in : theranostic liposomes (PHENIX UPMC), able to encapsulate antitumoral molecules, and/or scaffolds with Gd complexes and sensitizers for Dynamic Phototherapy PDT (LSAMM, ISC, Strasbourg). The imaging probes could be vectorized to target the endothelial cells or optimize for EPR effects, and will be designed to deliver actively and locally the encapsulated drug or effect by PDT or hypethermia.

Step 1: Characterization of in vitro therapeutic multimodal probes for targeting and therapy

Step 2: Development of biodistribution MR and optical imaging methods for targeting monitoring.

Step 3: Bioimaging therapeutic evaluation.

Engineer, Master 2 in nanotechnology, chemistry; biophysiqcs, biomedical sciences or associated.

How to apply:

The application must contain:

- CV - Letter of motivation (1 page maximum)

- Letters of recommendation
- Marks Deadline for applications: 1 May 2017



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