The Bioforum 2016 of BioLiège

Seminars and symposia
2016-11-16 08:30 - 17:30
University of Liège, Sart Tilman campus, Exèdre Dirk Annegarn, Building B8

Besides a series of conferences, the students will have the opportunity to present their research results as a poster and to compete for one of the best poster prizes. The best posters will indeed be awarded with a 500 € prize given by sponsors of the event (Biomedical Technology – Zentech ; Industrial Biotechnology – Puratos ; Green Biotechnology – Société de Physiologie Végétale; Industrial valorization - Gesval).


Participation to the event is totally free (proceedings, sandwiches and drinks included) but Internet registration is mandatory.


For more information, complete program, registration and abstract submission:

Bioforum 2016 is a joint organization of BioLiège and

Graduate School in Cellular and Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (BCMB)

Graduate School of Structure and Functions of biological Macromolecules, Bioinformatics and Modeling (SFMBBM)

Graduate School in Plant Sciences

Graduate School of Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (BEE)

Graduate School in Pharmaceutical Sciences



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